Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Best Practices For Distance Education ISD

Best practices have been defined as practices that have been shown to produce superior results; selected by a systematic process, and judged as exemplary, good, or successfully demonstrated (Sullivan, R., 2003). They are used in almost every industry and discipline, including information technology development, transportation, business management, and various aspects of project management.
Instructional technology is the philosophy, methodology, and approach used to deliver information.  It includes use of objectives, related teaching strategies, systematic feedback, and evaluation. The more complete term, instructional systems design, is a formal process used to design training, whether computer-based or traditional instructor-led. It involves use of the principles of instruction to ensure that learners acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for successful completion of overtly specified performance goals. The process includes analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation.
Instructional design can be done by use of a wide variety of modalities and strategies, ranging from instructor-based classroom training to self-paced eLearning. In spite of one’s choice of instructional strategy, however, there are a number of best practices that should be applied in all cases of instructional design. The more highly recommended practices are outlined as follows (Rea, D., 2012):

1.      Don’t try to include too much information

Cramming more information into course design than a student is realistically expected to absorb, is a common mistake that can lead to “data fatigue” or information overload. The planner should take this into account, as well as other important considerations such as eye strain and the need for periodic rests. It is best to stick to essential information and if necessary, include links to more detailed sources so that learners can study at their own pace

2.      Break information up into easily digestible portions.

Use the “chunking” method in presenting information, so that learners may easily identify key   information without having to dig for it. This is especially necessary in eLearning where information is displayed on screen, and a lot of scrolling is required.  Use nested headings and other separators to offset key sections, and lists to emphasize important points. Chunking is also convenient for reusing and reordering relevant materials in future course products.
3.      Enhance flow by including a variety of content types/media.

Use a balance of non-textual components and activities such as graphics, video, games, and instructor demonstrations to enhance your training.

4.      Relate the content to your learners’ specific needs. 

Be sure the information addresses real life scenarios that the learner is likely to encounter in his/her job role. Carefully consider the practical needs of the audience as part of planning, and consult target learners early during the design process to find out what areas of subject matter will be most valuable to them.

5.   Incorporate hands-on activities whenever possible.

The majority of students learn best by doing, rather than by passively receiving information. Therefore, if it is appropriate for the matter, add exercises to help and encourage students to gain hands-on experience using techniques and technologies in question. Make sure that learners complete all exercises in one section before moving on to the next.

The method by which information is presented to learners is just as important as the information being presented. Therefore, be responsive to learners’ needs, and remember that there is a limit to the amount of factual information that a learner can assimilate. 
There are numerous factors to be taken into consideration when planning and developing course design. However, the practices listed and discussed above make up the foundation for preparing successful training solutions.


Instructional Design Central. (N.D). What is instructional design? Retrieved from
Rea, D. (2012). 5 Instructional design best practices. Retrieved from
SERC (2012). Best practices in education. Retrieved from

Sullivan, R. (2002). Top 10 in training: Reflections from the best practices in training conference. The Reading Room. Retrieved from

The Performance Juxtaposition Site. (2010). Why instructional design system?  Retrieved from

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Chapter 2: Evidence-Based Practice

As the name suggests, evidence-based practice is ensuring that instructional techniques are based on evidence from research findings. As is the case with any other venture that one might attempt to pursue, whether it is a trip to the moon, or an attempt at eradicating some disease, it could not be done without research (Clark & Mayer, 2011). It is important to know that the instruction will work, and a look at the vast expanse of existing research is probably the best place to start. The purpose of evidence-based practice, or at least its main purpose, is to find out what works in helping children learn. There are various aspects to be considered in examining the relevance of evidence-based practice. When the goal is to determine what works, the preferred method should be an experimental comparison, in which the user can compare test performance of people who learned with or without an instructional feature. In performing experimental comparison, it is necessary to choose good research. To ensure that the research is good, one should first ensure that situations, leaning environments, materials, and learners involved are all similar to his/hers, and that he/she is genuinely interested in the method chosen. It is also important in selecting good research, to ensure that the research method is the appropriate one for the study. Likewise, to determine the effectiveness of the instructional method, one should focus on research that emphasizes experimental comparison. Determining whether experimental comparison meets the standards of good research methodology requires three considerations: experimental control, random assignment, and appropriate measures. Experimental control involves setting up an experimental group and a control group for comparison on a number of features. In random assignment, learners are assigned randomly, possibly on the basis of choice, excluding an important criterion, in which case the research is likely to be ineffective. In appropriate measures, the research report outlines the mean, standard deviation, and sample size for each group. However, if it does not measure learning effects, the research is also ineffective. The second criterion in determining instructional effectiveness is the condition under which the instructional method will work (with a particular learning group, in a particular learning environment, or with certain learning objectives). In this case, the research method is the factorial experimental comparison, which compares test performance of people who learned with or without an instructional feature, but varies the learning conditions. Equally important is determining the effectiveness of the instructional method, and by what process it works best. When such is the goal, the preferred research method is observational analysis, questionnaire, or interview, in which case results are coming directly from the learner, whether by observation or direct response. Reflection I find the description of information included in Evidence-Based Practice to be important because of the similarity, to instructional matters such as learning styles and approaches, factors which also help in determining how students learn and how instruction should be applied to bring about that learning. The research methods are comparable to assessments used in diagnosing and determining the knowledge level and ability of the learner. Through observation or interview, direct diagnosis, which is likely most accurate, can be accomplished in both cases. Other methods of assessment, including testing, are used to determine effectiveness of instruction, as is also the case of observational analysis. This information did not change my mind or views about distant education. Instead it will serve as reinforcement to my instructional approach, particularly the approach of ‘direct diagnosis’ in which the information is received directly from the learner. Research involves particular attributes such as control groups and specific conditions, and is designed with certain limitations and expectations in place. Classroom instruction, on the other hand, is designed for all learners involved, without the various particulars attributed to research. In spite of the obvious differences, however, it seems safe to conclude that a few similarities do exist between these two systems, both of which goals are to help determine the best method for achieving successful student learning. The information contained in chapter two may be beneficial to my ISD project because of its emphasis on researching for evidence before putting certain instructional techniques into practice. With that knowledge available, teachers are better able to plan or modify the techniques and strategies needed for effective instruction to occur. My post-graduation plan is to seek a teaching position in a lower socioeconomic urban school, where many children are at an educational disadvantage. I believe that the method of Evidence-Based Practice will be helpful in trying to understand each student’s educational standing, and will hopefully open the door to instructional planning that will generate greater success in student achievement. Reference Clark, R. C. & Mayer, R.E. (2011). E-learning and the science of instruction: Proven guidelines for consumers and designers of multimedia learning. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Online and Mobile Assessment

Online education, and more recently, mobile education, have become for many learners, the dawn of a new day. When online education was first proposed as a viable alternative to traditional classroom education, many threatening predictions were made by doubtful individuals who thought it virtually unlikely. Many saw the proposal as leading to the downfall of traditional colleges and universities. They thought that the ability of students to study anywhere and anytime meant the replacement of brick-and-mortar-classrooms by virtual anywhere institutions.
In spite of varying perceptions toward online education, however, online learning has not only grown at a tremendous pace; it has occurred in a revolutionary way as most students have now added online learning as part of their classroom-based curriculum.
Online and mobile education has been revolutionized by many unforeseen factors. Contrary to prior concerns of groupings by income, race, or ethnicity, students enrolled in online courses are like their traditional classroom peers in all three areas. But online students do tend to be older than traditional classroom peers. Online students are also more likely to be female, and most students are independent, compared to the number of dependent students attending traditional classrooms.
Among the many concerns of critics of online education were issues regarding how students would fare, and where students would choose to study. Many predicted the possibility that students would suffer because of the absence of face-to-face communications between and among students and instructors. But contrary to that prediction, two thirds of all students simply utilize the internet as a supplement to the classroom, and not as a replacement. As to the choice of study locations, critics who predicted that students would take online classes at distant institutions, have been proven to have been inaccurate in their predictions as, surprisingly, years of research have shown that a vast majority of students take online courses from institutions that are within close proximity to home.
Although there is a variety of online and mobile assessment, among methods available for measuring student learning, some experts continue to decry both the quantity and quality. Online/mobile assessment methods should be effective for measuring student outcome as well as application of knowledge, but some believe that current methods are lacking in effectiveness to determine students’ learning success
Online and mobile learning are here to stay, and are quickly replacing much of classroom instruction and changing the way teachers teach. Roles have changed so that the student is now the more active participant. That calls for self-discipline, motivation, and learning through discovery.
Current online methods of assessment are tools that have been devised to provide useful feedback, accountability, and opportunity to demonstrate quality instruction. They are designed to monitor student learning, improve academic programs, and enhance the process of teaching and learning. Current online assessment methods include the development of practical scenarios for learning; alignment of learning objects with practical scenarios and the prompt use of accessible software. There is also the added benefit of the availability of an online mentor to provide assistance and to help make learning occur, and the delivery of an on-site, instructor-based training responsive to individual student learning differences.
The use of effective assessment techniques is essential to online teaching and learning. Based on the adult learning theory and the adult learning process, on learners should be assessed by means of learning objectives lined up with realistic scenarios. This method allows for critical thinking and practical application, combined with learning through discovery. This method is also congruent with online and mobile assessment since it takes away the activity from the instructor and places both the activity and the responsibility to acquire and apply knowledge on the student.


Doyle, W.. (2009). Online Education: The Revolution That Wasn't. Change, 41(3),
56-58. Retrieved April 12, 2012, from

Horton, W. (2012). E-learning by design. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley and Sons,

Jorge Gaytan & Beryl C. McEwen (2007): Effective online instructional and
assessment strategies, American Journal of Distance Education, 21:3, 117-132.
Retrieved April 12, 2012, from

Robles, M. & Braathen, S. (2002, December). Online assessment techniques. Delta Pi
Epsilon Journal, 44 (1) 39-49. Retrieved April 11, 2012, from

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Adult Learning Theory

Learning occurs through a change in that which the learner already knows or does not know. This change is brought about from experience gained by the learner. It happens in the learner’s information processing system.

Distant learning may occur through two types of approach: the learner-centered approach, which places its focus on how people learn, and the technology-centered approach, in which emphasis is placed on the capabilities of educational technology. in the learner-centered approach technology is not ruled out, but is adapted to the learner to assist the learning process (Clark & Mayer, 2011).

Is there a difference between adult learning and that of children? Indeed, there is quite a difference between the way children learn and he way that adults do. Whereas it is natural for children to seek after knowledge, adults are quite the opposite. They usually have to be made to learn. However, many adults welcome the opportunity to pursue learning. Adults tend to take pleasure in learning, not only for the benefit of gaining knowledge, but also for the pleasure that it brings. Educated adults are often most successful in their professional lives and most fulfilled in their personal lives (Rajsky, 2002). In spite of that, however, adult teaching poses quite a few challenges. As with children’s learning, there are many different styles to adult learning, and not every adult does well in the classroom. Some adults learn through hands-on experiences while others learn through problem-solving techniques. Some are considered to be predilection, and must read and write in order to obtain knowledge. In addition, there are many other learning styles, including visual, interpersonal, intuitive, and naturalistic.

Adult learning has both strengths and weaknesses. One of its strengths or advantages is that it caters to the personal and economic well being of people in general. Adult education “builds communities of confident, curious, critical and creative people” (Thompson, R., 2009)

One of its weaknesses is the inability or unwillingness of the adult to ‘unlearn’ or temporarily set aside the old way in order to acquire new knowledge. Another is on the part of the instructor to present the information in a way that every adult student will equally grasp, accept, and assimilate the information.

With its many achievements, and despite its many challenges, adult education may be practically applied to a distance education course development. A typical distant education course of study can integrate multimedia, text, sound, graphics, and animation into one complete system (Sabatini, J. P. 2001).The system can include a video series, workbook, text, and a web site. Coursework may be designed to meet basic adult literacy needs or advanced learning. Also included should be a teacher’s guidebook, for the purpose of facilitating and guiding the students to successfully accomplishing the required or desired results for advancement.


Clark, R,C, & Mayer, R. E. (2011). e-Learing and the science of instruction. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Rajsky, G. (2002). Adult learning. Products Finishing, 66(5), 90. Retrieved March 29, 2012, from

Sabatini, J. P. (2001).Designing multimedia learning systems for adult learners: Basic skills with a workforceemphasis. NCAL Working Paper. Retrieved March 29, 2012, from

Thomson, R. (2009). Adult learning matters. Adults Learning, 20(9), 8-10. Retrieved March 29, 2012, from

Thursday, March 22, 2012

About Me

EDUC 633 Intro

This post includes an introduction blog from a previous assignment. Not much has changed since that. I am looking forward with anticipation to all the exciting things that there are to learn from our class and from the tech experts among my classmates. I hardly placed very much importance on technology and tech tools and advancements until I became enrolled into the Educational Technology program. I've just always thought that the world of technology is moving much too fast to keep up with it. But I now understand that I have got to jump in and get going with it.

I do enjoy reading, music, and family outings and activities I grew up in a large family of ten siblings, of which I am the fifth. Therefore, there has always been a lot of activity among us. Six of my siblings still reside in the islands, mostly by choice, and in some cases, having been influenced by some. As to my parents, I have lost them both over the years, but my siblings and I were all fortunate enough to have achieved adulthood, marriage and family before the loss.of our parents occurred.

This course is going to be a long road ahead and quite a challenge for me, but I hope that by the end of it mine will be a victorious post; that I will have become more enlightened in many different ways, and ultimately, overcome the challenge (I'm sure I will (Phil. 4:13)).