Monday, April 28, 2014

Wiki Reflection Blog

The first time that I worked on the Literature Review wiki I was very unsure of what to do, because I had never experimented with a wiki before. Ironically enough, in one of my previous courses we were required  to work on a “to Do” project related to educational technology or distance education, and although I considered “How to Create a Wiki as my project of choice, my attention was diverted to another topic that I considered to have been more practical at that time. Therefore, when I realized that in this course one of my assignments involved a wiki, I felt a bit of regret for not having chosen that project assignment I was delighted to know that this was a team project and that I was not required to build one, just to contribute to it. When I received the invitation to join the wiki I was somewhat nervous about getting started but I also did not want to hinder the rest of the group.  I opened the link, to the wiki and to my surprise it was not as complicated to set up the account and join the team as I had feared it might be. Feeling a bit more confident, I started working on my page of the wiki. My contribution was to research and prepare on the social and ethical issues of BYOD technology. During that initial login I successfully posted my first page of information.

My second time working on the wiki was much easier than the first, since I was now acquainted with it and knew how to logon and go directly to my page. My reason for logging on this time was for the purpose of updating the information I had initially prepared and posted on my page. I had mistakenly believed that the assignment was due that week; therefore I had quickly researched a page of information so that I would be in keeping with the rest of the group, and not be their hindrance. Upon discovering that it was not due for a few days yet, I decided to develop and add to my topic. After updating the information I opened the reference page and added new references to the existing list and my purpose was accomplished. By this time I had started feeling more confident about using the wiki. I thought also that I might even be able to create one if I cared to attempt it. I perceive that creating a wiki is probably not too difficult. I am almost certain that with a little time and some know-how, I will successfully construct a wiki. I look forward to trying it when time permits.

The last time that I worked on the wiki was just before it was submitted for peer reviewing. I had done further research and found some new and practical information pertaining to the ethics of BYOD, a segment of the project that had been assigned to me. I thought that this new information was so appropriate and substantially beneficial, that I had to perform one more update. I now consider working on the wiki to have been an adventure. It was definitely beneficial for me. I started with absolutely no knowledge of how to use a wiki, but in the end I have acquired that new knowledge and a new skill. By participating in the assignment I was able to learn how to access and navigate through the various pages with ease of use. I now have a new attitude toward trying and accomplishing new successes, especially in the area of technology which can sometimes be quite frustrating. Furthermore, with our world of technology so rapidly increasing and changing, the need to learn and to know the various tools of technology is almost inevitable, and I am prepared to be with technology in my future profession.. As for working collaboratively, I am pleased that this project was done through teamwork, and that we were able to work so cooperatively, even though some are working at a much faster pace than others. In the end it all comes together. I commend our group leader for having kept us together and for having a great spirit or responsibility in coordinating the project.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Module 5 Muddiest Point

Hi Class,

This is my video blog for Module 5 Muddiest Point.

Thanks for viewing.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

EDUC 639

Game-based Learning

One of the most recent trends in educational technology is game- based learning. This approach involves simulation and gaming tools aimed at accomplishing certain instructional outcomes. My reason for choosing these words is that this educational approach is unusual but interesting. Simulations are said to have been in existence for a long time, and in many forms, including large-scale flight simulators, role-playing simulations in the classroom, computer-delivered simulations, and more recently, high-fidelity simulations that can be delivered through cyberspace (Spector, Merrill, Merrienboer, & Driscoll, 2008). While they may be classified as important instructional and authoring tools, simulations and games also carry certain limitations. First of all, they are both costly and complicated, and that results in slow production and underutilization of the tools. 

Videogame playing is usually done on a cooperative basis, and are an ideal example of simulation. Through video gaming players learn through performance and create identities based on the game systems. However,  while games can be a reasonable subsidiary approach for light matters such as engaging students and encouraging homework, it has not been proven that games are really substantial enough to contribute toward learning (Cavanaugh, 2013).

Cavanaugh, S. (February, 2013). Market for ed. games remains difficult to crack, report says. Education Week. Retrieved February 2, 2014, from
Spector, J.M., Merrill, M.D., Van  Merrienboer, J., &  Driscoll, M.P.(2008).  Handbook of research on educational communications and technology. New York, NY: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.